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Running in Bournemouth


As I mentioned in my previous post I spent all of last week in Bournemouth (where I come from originally) and managed to squeeze in two more runs in the stormtrooper costume.

This was only really possible thanks to James Snape and Darren Jefford (and his son Toby) running with me to ensure I didn’t run head first into too many lampposts, trip over too many kerbs or flatten too many small children.

The first run we did was a beautiful 6 mile route from Southbourne, through Tuckton and into the historic town of Christchurch. We certainly turned a lot of heads, and were hooted at by a lot of very supportive drivers.

James-SnapeThe Bournemouth Evening Echo met us in town and took some photographs, and ran an article on us on Friday. You can read their online version here:

I was able to do another great run on Friday which took us along the promenade from Southbourne, past Boscombe Pier and then onto Bournemouth Pier, and then back. It was supposed to be a 4.5 mile route but we somehow ended up doing 5.3 miles, with no ill effects!

It was a gorgeous route, and we got a lot of support once again. Thank you to all who waved, cheered, clapped and took photos!

I’m certainly looking forward to doing the Bournemouth Marathon in October, although there’s still a lot of training to go. If you;re going to be in the marathon please do let me know. If you’re going to be watching, make sure you cheer loudly as I can’t hear much inside the helmet!

Again, my special thanks to both James and Darren who were terrific running partners, and who I’m looking to both run with, and share a beer with, next time I’m down.

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