Publicity Events in Hull


Although I’m running all across the UK as a Stormtrooper, one of the first runs on the calendar is in Hull, and as I’m currently based in Hull it seems as good a place as any to kick start the publicity. We therefore have two events lined up which, if you’re in the area, may be of interest.


Wednesday 19th March

If you’re in the Queens Gardens part of the city centre on Wednesday 19th March at 10am then make sure you take the time to look out for me!

I’ll be in the full Stormtrooper armour at 10am, and we’re hoping that the BBC Look North team, ITV’s Calendar team, Estuary TV, the Hull Daily Mail and the Lincolnshire Echo, as well as Viking FM, BBC Humberside Radio and KCFM will all be there, as well as a professional photographer who will be taking photographs of me to use in our future publicity.


Saturday 29th March

Toys’r’Us have expressed a keen interest in becoming involved with us, and so on Saturday 29th March between 10am and 3pm I’ll again be in the full Stormtrooper armour in store, meeting the children (and parents!).

We’ll be there to provide fun and entertainment as well as promoting the challenge and collecting for Kidscape. The Toys’r’Us at Kingston Retail Park, Hull.

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