Time to kick-start the campaign
Well, after a busy few days I have finally finished the website, and got all of our social media profiles up, running and linked together. Now to get the message out! Although at this early stage donations would be wonderful, what we need most is to kick the publicity machine into gear as quickly as possible. You can help with this bit!
A simple tweet, or retweet, a shared post on Facebook or a mention in your blog will all help bring us to the attention of as many people as possible. We’re looking for venues, opportunities, events, volunteers and support, in so many different shapes and forms. Take a look at the suggestions on the Get Involved page – there’s bound to be something on there that you could do, or that you know someone who could.
The list of runs and events is going to grow rapidly over the next few days and weeks, and so there may very well be something happening near you. If not, why not make a suggestion?
It’s important to remember that every single person who helps, in any way, shape or form, will be helping to directly affect a child’s life, or many children’s lives, in a truly positive way. Kidscape has been working for nearly 30 years to help children and young people tackle the issues of bullying and abuse. You can find out more about what Kidscape do, and why the issues are so important, especially perhaps to those of us with children of our own, by visiting our Kidscape page.
During these early weeks and months I am busy doing a huge amount of training, including training to run long distances with a 25 lb stormtrooper costume on! Tackling challenges such as drinking and trying to stay as cool as possible are all being worked on at the moment. It would be great to have your support. If you’re taking part in a running event, have any useful advice or suggestions, or just want to leave a comment to say hi and offer your support, please do join in the conversation, either by leaving a comment below, or getting in touch through Twitter and Facebook.
Oh, and if you know any good recipes to help with my endeavours, please feel free to contribute!